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Akazukin To Mayoi No Mori Cg Set

카테고리 없음

by atpemarjust1972 2020. 3. 2. 15:58


  1. Akazukin To Mayoi No Mori Cg Set 2018

I'll admit, it wasn't all that entertaining, but the art was beautiful and the gameplay was pretty straightforward and simple. I did 'lose' a couple of times because I didn't know how stats and relationships worked, but after my first experimental failure, unlocking all the characters was pretty easy.This game has the same art style as 'Always Remember Me' (that I've yet to finish because stats are my enemy) that I adore. The art makes up for the simplicity, in my opinion.

The CG's are very limited (each character only gets one), but they're super cute. I really love that there was a female love interest; I had never played a game with that possibility, so that was a new experience.If you're looking to kill time and don't want to worry that much over gameplay, this game is for you.

MoriAkazukin To Mayoi No Mori Cg SetMayoi

Akazukin To Mayoi No Mori Cg Set 2018

I finished all the routes within a four-hour trip (mostly because I kept messing up and losing), so there's always that option. Here are the CG's. This is more josei because the characters are older and the conflicts are more realistic and serious, as opposed to your usual high school love triangle. Also, I'm not sure if this is an accurate depiction of England during the time it's set, but it makes for a good plot so yeah. It does drag in a lot of areas and you kinda just wanna punch the writers/mangaka in the face for making everything so complicated.

This is no KyoAni production but I mean, the art is tolerable, and the style has its own charm.